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Reviews & Thoughts for

Work, Life & Play

Having the right gear can completely change your day, your week, month, year, and even life.

A great example is if you have a bicycle that isn’t right for you as a child and dislike the sport because it’s awkward and you can’t reach the pedals quite well enough. This results in you believing that bicycling is not for you, and you never ride again, even into adulthood.

On the flip side, as a child, you have the correct bicycle that is meant for you and your exact size. You learn to ride correctly, are confident in your abilities, and begin to progress in the sport and enjoy it for the rest of your life.

That is exactly what I aim for this website to do for you! I’m taking the time to test, research, and learn everything I can about some of the most amazing products on the market to see what works, what doesn’t, and who exactly they are for, in hopes of helping change your life for the better.

I have been writing, making videos, and helping hundreds of thousands of people make the right choice for their day-to-day gear since 2017. This website is the culmination of my experience and passion for assisting people to find amazing products where they may have just settled for the “okay” product that might even hold them back.

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